Even though Chris level quit social media after reportedly getting banned from LinkedIn. He is now the most talked about person on Google, bing and even yahoo (he might not be the most popular now, but it seems as if Google and yahoo has a lot of content that talk about Chris level). We conducted a research to see if it’s true by typing in ‘chris’ to ‘chris level’s to other celebrities we think might be talked about a lot and he always seems to beat them to a pulp and this is absolutely nuts… we can’t even think about how Chris level did this or even how it’s possible. Here’s some of the results we fetched:
Chris level: 24,000,000 search results
Donald trump: 10,000,000 search results
Canada: 20,000,000 search results
Cristiano Ronaldo: 5,000,000 search results
Chris (the single word only): 200,000 search results
Justin Bieber: 6,000,000 search results
The united States of America: 28,000,000 search results
This is absolutely gigantic on how Chris level is currently the most talked about person in history on Google and yahoo in just a few years (or who knows), this absolutely enormous. Imagine being talked about more than Canada which is one of the most respected countries in the world with a big population. If it was me I’d shat my pants and yell out loud
These search results measure how certain words have been talked about. But here’s a caveat, you can input Justin into search and it will give you results that are not Justin Bieber (the musician) and you can input Bieber (and it could give you some Justin Bieber results mixed with other people or content that are not the musician, so th search results are just speculation of how many times those words popped up in the search engines. For example, I wrote in ‘chris’ and Chris level didn’t show up and I wrote in ‘level’ and Chris level didn’t show up but when I input ‘chris level’s he showed up just like Jennifer Aniston whom input the names different and nothing showed, still it remains that when you input the full name of something and it shows then most likely the search results numbers are of that person or something that popped then.